
Mental Health Day 2021

Mental Health Day 2021

World Mental Health Day was created to raise awareness of mental health issues and to remind people the importance of prioritizing this type of health care. According to Mental Health America, 19% of adults are experiencing a mental illness this year alone. This percentage is equivalent to over 47 million Americans. 4.55% of those adults are experiencing a severe mental illness.

These statistics are staggering. Mental health affects how we think, feel, and act as we go through our day. It also plays a factor in how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Poor mental health can have a negative impact on relationships, self-esteem, performance, and much more. Whether you are a coach, athlete, parent, employee, or executive, your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Read tips on how to improve mental health below!

Ways to Observe World Mental Health Day

1. Group therapy in the workplace
Register for a group therapy workshop at your place of work. This can allow you and your coworkers to express themselves in a safe environment. We tend to hold onto the idea that pushing through and carrying on is the best way, but issues can arise unexpectedly if they aren't properly dealt with.
2. Practice self-care
There are many changes you can make to your life that can continue beyond World Mental Health Day. Developing a regular sleep routine, adjusting your diet to healthier options, taking lunch breaks, and going on long walks are just some of the options. The point of self-care is to understand your specific needs. Find time to ask yourself what you want and go for it.
3. Follow the theme
Each year, there’s a new theme and even if it doesn’t directly involve your struggles, you can still learn from it. Spend some time and research the subject. Awareness extends beyond yourself and it could provide you with the proper tools to better understand others.

Source: National Today

Help spread awareness for Mental Health Day by sharing this article above to family or friends who may be struggling with mental health issues.

We would also love to help your team or organization spread the importance of mental health through customized banners, shirts, office supplies, cups & more! Sharing the importance of prioritizing mental health could positively impact the people in your family, club or organization. Contact us here to help spread awareness through customized goods! Minimums may apply.

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